Emilia, a rebellious young woman, is sent to a convent by her father. Her arrival unleashes paranormal manifestations within herself and the residents. Strange things begin to happen inside the facility and dark secrets begin to surface....
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The Curse of Willow Song
Willow Song, a recovering addict and parolee, struggles to start over. Willow finds herself in a concrete wasteland. Facing isolation and displacement, shadows creep into Willow's mind and her nightmares become too real....
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The Hanged Girl
A group of friends go on a holiday to St. Joseph's Guesthouse, unaware that it was the site of accused witchcraft and a sacrifice of an innocent girl centuries before. They soon realize that it may be haunted by the spirit of The Hanged Girl....
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Scream of the Wolf
Making a vampire movie in an old, abandoned house should have been easy, but with the full moon, the nightmare begins. The body count rises as the cast & crew encounter the mansion's resident werewolf and by daylight only the lucky will survive....
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