The Beast Inside
Anne inherits a family demon. It consumed her mother and grandfather's souls, and now grows stronger inside her. Her possession threatens everything: her family, career, and independence. When...
Its Name Was Mormo
A young family's life unravels into chaos as a sinister presence targets each member in its own malicious manner. Through the lens of police evidence, Mark, Marcela, and...
The Christmas Chain
Twin brothers Dez and Jerome journey home on a train for Christmas after Jerome's serious kidney injury. They meet Sabrina, a kind-hearted musician. An unexpected stop at a...
The Ritual
When given the chance to reunite with her deceased father, Maria joins a paranormal group, and they perform experiments in a house where a mass murder took place....
Wicked Season
Ten years after Alton Crow was locked away for a series of unspeakable killings, the city finds itself threatened again on Halloween as an apparent copycat evades police...
The North Witch
Five women embark on a search for a cabin that mysteriously went missing 60 years ago. They soon realize that watching them is a sinister, demented being. Can...
Neighbors Who Kill
Three stories of neighbors brought to the edge of murder. Ordinary people, living side by side, then something happens, someone snaps and it turns deadly....
Interview with the Extraterrestrial
If you could spend one hour with a being from another planet, what would you ask them? Filmmaker Serena DC meets a man named Darryl Anka who claims...
The Beach House
Three friends travel to Mallorca for some holiday fun, looking to meet women and have a fun time. When two Russian girls arrive at the next-door condo, they...
Night Harvest
Nathan, a troubled teen with pyrokinesis, with his sister and friends, are on the run from the police. Their RV breaks down and they find themselves stalked by...
Transmedium: Puerto Rico’s UFOs
Puerto Rico has long been a UFO and USO hotspot, from Columbus to today. Join Darcy and Andy as they explore a newly leaked UAP video from a...
Unraveling Nostradamus: Prophecies and t
The verses of Nostradamus have sparked awe and fear. Explore the man behind the prophecies and visions that are forever linked to our past and future....
Alien Revelations: The UFO Revolution
The existence of Alien life is no longer just a question, it's a reality we can no longer deny as humanity struggles to comprehend the brink of a...