Every year, 10 of the world's most lethal death row criminals compete for their freedom in The Jurassic Games, a TV show where contestants must survive against ferocious...
A college student and her friends must confront the angry, evil spirit hunting them down one-by-one on a deliberate march towards its ultimate prey....
After years in hiding and struggling to control his demons, an eccentric drifter returns home and discovers that his childhood abuser, the center of his pain, is still...
When simple Croation highlander Goran learns of his wife's pregnancy, the good news unleashes personalities, leading to a darkly comic twist of events....
A construction group discovers a forgotten Japanese bunker from WW2. While exploring the cryptic remains, they uncover a dark evil that lies beneath the surface....
Three friends embark on an adventure through the continent filled with drinking, dancing, and partying while dodging gypsies, gangsters, and soccer hooligans to get to the world's hottest...
This horror/paranormal thriller follows the lives of Albert and Rose Poe over the course of 4 days that happens to include the one year anniversary of their 5...
Despite the support from her loving mother, Ruby, Chloe struggles with the demand of being a new mom. The incessant crying of her baby, the growing sense of...
In the near future, Rhett Murphy and his estranged sister Jean are forced to flee from a militant police state after witnessing the dark secrets of a nefarious...