Four friends rent a lake house from a bodybuilding obsessed owner Tad, with no sense of boundaries. While the drama of the friends' relationship unfolds, Tad's seemingly affable...
Former marine commando and single mother Sam is brutally kidnapped on her way to the pharmacy. She wakes up disoriented in what seems to be a deserted military...
Gabriel, a retired demon bounty hunter, returns to the dark land when his deceased wife’s prophecy comes true that 'four angels will come to destroy mankind'...
A highly trained legionnaire turned mercenary is forced to take on his former comrades to protect a local village who nurse him back to health after a mission...
Five thrilling stories about space travel, family, loss, and artificial intelligence are told in five different cities in the future. But is Mankind ready for this future and...
A family of archaeologists finds the fifth pendant that has been missing for centuries. Once all pendants are brought together the shadows from the past are released. Will...
Tucker and Hamid are going to be grandfathers for the first time, but only if they can come together long enough to save their first-born grandchild....
Four twentysomethings find themselves stuck on a haunted antique bed where leaving means suffering a gruesome death. Plagued with frightening hallucinations, they must figure out the bed's secrets...
Fifteen years ago, two teenage girls were murdered at Merrymaker Campgrounds. The case was filed an animal attack, the camp was condemned and the killer never found -...
Marie Wankelmut lives among the prostitutes in Amsterdam's Red Light District and is nowadays drunken and bold, she gets into one conflict after another. A gruesome sobering event...