A neuroscientist becomes obsessed with a drug that allows humans to interact with spirits, but during the clinical trial he inadvertently unleashes a deadly supernatural force...
Deep in the forest, two boys discover the entrance to a secret military bunker hidden since World War II and inadvertently awaken an undead soldier....
Otavio and Gilda are a very wealthy couple of the Brazilian elite who have the habit of eating their employees and are members of The Cannibal Club....
Steve, suffering from a collapsing marriage, invites his three closest friends on a weekend retreat to the mountains only to discover his real troubles are in the trees...
A detective investigating a string of murders goes down a dark path of the Occult and discovers beings that are trying to bring forth Hell on Earth....
When Johnny is murdered while on a drunken joyride, his killer persuades Eric and Johnny's girlfriend to help him make the murder look like an accidental death....