For centuries a pack of werewolves have resided in the sleepy town but when local girl Charlotte meets a particularly gruesome death, the town is descended upon by...
Ghosts exist; whether you choose to believe in them or not. When multiple reports of supernatural occurrences from an old schoolhouse point to a haunting, a team of...
When the fragile balance is broken between humans and the demons who live secretly among them, a hard-boiled demon named Vine must investigate the appearance of a mysterious...
In 1985, a celebrated exorcist trapped a horrific demon inside an Ouija board. Thinking the board to be a game, his son played without obeying the rules, and...
A stagecoach full of passengers and an enigmatic gunslinger find themselves up against two bloodthirsty outlaws on the run from a deadly bank robbery. As their worlds collide...
What begins as a exciting camping trip to the legendary Redwood murder site, takes a terrifying turn when the innocent campers discover the legend is about to become...
A naive university student, Evangeline, is brutalized by a gang of thrill seeking killers. Left to die in the forest, she is 'saved' by an ancient demon spirit....
What started as a simple camping trip in the mountains of Northern Arizona quickly descended into an amazing and terrifying story that is truly out of this world....