This war drama is dedicated to the victory in The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). It revolves around Pavel Zubov, a school teacher, whose village got occupied by the...
Enzo, a lonely and misanthropic small time crook, uses the superpowers gained after falling in the Tiber river to chase down a crazy gangster called "The gypsy"....
As Arianna, 19, deals with the problems of development, memories creep to the surface when she discovers herself during a visit to the family lake house....
Urmas Eero Liiv's feature film "Must alpinist" (Ghost Mountaineer) is a youth film with elements of horror which is based on real life events which took place during...
Jenny is seventeen and dreams of becoming a synchronized swimmer, but her carefree adolescent life in Ostia, a seacoast town near Rome, is shaken by the sudden death...
Bill Pollard is the very image of a mild-mannered suburbanite. He is a calm and stable husband and father, and teaches biology at Thatherton Community College. He is...
A teenager visiting her estranged father in Italy stumbles across the Neverlake, an ancient lake said to be guarded by the spirits of the dead.
There she befriends a...