A young girl's love for horses leads her to a recently captured wild mustang, and inspires her to find the truth behind a broken government program that has...
When Sid's (Jason Mewes) friend goes missing, he and new girl Sarah investigate disappearances in their tower block. Uncovering the secret of a vengeful ghost possessing a horde...
Set in the "timeless" River City, Indiana, The Hurley Boy's set out to absolve the sins of their wrongfully accused father. But what is the cost of revenge?...
A giant bloodthirsty Easter bunny starts viciously killing the local townsfolk. When the Mayor refuses to act and the attacks grow more gruesome, the town finds its very...
A group of strangers who wake up in what appears to be an abandoned building, unable to remember how they got there, find themselves haunted by strange visions...
A group of friends hatch a plan to get revenge on the bullies who have been tormenting them. In doing so, they stumble upon an underground torture chamber...
A busload of strangers find themselves fighting for their lives when one of them reads from a gothic book and brings to life six dead serial killers who...