Interview with the Extraterrestrial
If you could spend one hour with a being from another planet, what would you ask them? Filmmaker Serena DC meets a man named Darryl Anka who claims...
The Beach House
Three friends travel to Mallorca for some holiday fun, looking to meet women and have a fun time. When two Russian girls arrive at the next-door condo, they...
Night Harvest
Nathan, a troubled teen with pyrokinesis, with his sister and friends, are on the run from the police. Their RV breaks down and they find themselves stalked by...
Transmedium: Puerto Rico’s UFOs
Puerto Rico has long been a UFO and USO hotspot, from Columbus to today. Join Darcy and Andy as they explore a newly leaked UAP video from a...
Unraveling Nostradamus: Prophecies and t
The verses of Nostradamus have sparked awe and fear. Explore the man behind the prophecies and visions that are forever linked to our past and future....
Alien Revelations: The UFO Revolution
The existence of Alien life is no longer just a question, it's a reality we can no longer deny as humanity struggles to comprehend the brink of a...