Emilia, a rebellious young woman, is sent to a convent by her father. Her arrival unleashes paranormal manifestations within herself and the residents. Strange things begin to happen...
Willow Song, a recovering addict and parolee, struggles to start over. Willow finds herself in a concrete wasteland. Facing isolation and displacement, shadows creep into Willow's mind and...
A group of friends go on a holiday to St. Joseph's Guesthouse, unaware that it was the site of accused witchcraft and a sacrifice of an innocent girl...
Making a vampire movie in an old, abandoned house should have been easy, but with the full moon, the nightmare begins. The body count rises as the cast...
Halloween night. Vampus, a gravedigger and body snatcher, is the guardian of the cemetery, a sinister being who has many secrets. He loves to read horror comics, and...
When a prominent family is terrorized by a demonic force, a tough but troubled priest is called upon by the Vatican to root out the murderous demon. He...
For over a century, sciences have denied the existence of the paranormal. This perspective is changing as a new breed of scientists and field investigators are demonstrating the...
On a weekend trip, a group of friends are forced to seek shelter inside an abandoned prison where a nun named Sister Monday had once been assigned. During...
College science students investigate the urban legend of The Mole Man, an ex-patient said to still be residing within the walls of the Black Grove Asylum and the...
Rebecca Clarkson, suffering from demonic attacks after playing with an Ouija board one night. Soon the supernatural activity becomes violent, and Rebecca is repeatedly attacked by the demonic...